Intent of this meditation
Before doing this meditation for the first time, answer these questions for yourself:
*Which emotions do you experience (almost) daily?
* What thoughts / feelings / situations would you like to let go of?
* How would it feel if you no longer had those emotions or thoughts?
Think of situations, times of the day, where you are or who this affects you. Write down everything you can think of. Often more will come naturally the longer you write.
Now choose the most important point for you and come up with a feasible small step. For instance:
👉 I take 5 times this week to feel conscious (positive emotion)
👉 Before going to sleep every day I write down 5 emotions that I experienced that day
👉 I want to consciously turn negative thoughts into positive thoughts, by focusing on this this week
Write down what is a feasible and pleasant step for you.
Day 2 and 3 of this meditation
Read back your experiences from the previous day. Do you see anything in this that you would like to investigate further today? Formulate a question for yourself that you will include in this meditation session.
Nothing specific comes up? It is also perfectly fine to enter the meditation openly.
Duration: /- 16 minutes
Prepare a pen and paper in advance, so that you can write down your experiences afterwards. You can read tips for this under the meditation.
Password: Cleaning
Meditation with koshi
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