
Breathing Meditation

- Deeper relaxation -

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We can go without food for 3 weeks and without water for 3 days. However, we can only go without oxygen for 3 minutes.

Breathing is essential to us.

Due to all the pressure, stress, expectations and obligations, many people have taught themselves the 'wrong' breathing:

* Irregular and fast
* A shallow, high-pitched breath
* Breathe through your mouth

As a result, you do not get enough oxygen and you become light-headed or you regularly lack air. It can also cause fatigue. Imagine how much energy it takes to be out of breath every time!

This meditation helps you develop calm and controlled breathing. You use your breath to relax your body, release tension and practice your concentration.
Your breathing is a great focal point. By returning your attention to your breathing every time during the meditation, you will stay closer to yourself.

Intent of this meditation
Before doing this meditation for the first time, answer these questions for yourself:

* How do you breathe when you are calm?
* How does your breathing feel when you are stressed?
* How much tension do you hold in your body?

Think of situations, times of the day, where you are or who this affects you. Write down everything you can think of. Often more will come naturally the longer you write.

Now choose the most important point for you and come up with a feasible small step. For instance:
👉 I plan (fill in) minutes every day to be able to meditate
👉 I take 5 minutes during (stress moment) to concentrate on my breathing
👉 4 times a day I take a few minutes to breathe consciously, relaxed

Write down what is a feasible and pleasant step for you.

Day 2 and 3 of this meditation
Read back your experiences from the previous day. Do you see anything in this that you would like to investigate further today? Formulate a question for yourself that you will include in this meditation session.
Nothing specific comes up? It is also perfectly fine to enter the meditation openly.

Duration: 15 minutes

Prepare a pen and paper in advance, so that you can write down your experiences afterwards. You can read tips for this under the meditation.

Password: Breathing

The meditation with koshi:

The meditation without koshi:

After the meditation

After the meditation, take at least 5 minutes to record your experiences.
  • How did your breathing feel at the beginning of the meditation?
  • How much tension did you feel in your body at the beginning of the meditation?
  • How and where did you feel that?
  • How did it feel to bring your focus to your breath? Did you manage to reach the count?
  • What insight have you gained through this meditation?
Write down everything that comes to your mind, even if it doesn't seem relevant or you can't post it. These are often points that become clear (sometimes days) later.

Share your experience and questions now in the 'I am OKAY' meditation community!

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